Immortal Day Hybrid Banner

Prefences Menu

Sex (Gender)


Display Picture


Player Tag

Friend Feed

Battle Picture Options

Inventory Order

Item Icons


Item Shortcuts

Forum Info

Country Flag

Menu Shortcuts

Battle Picture



External Game Tutorial
[Login To Game]

Welcome to the Immortal Day Tutorial, we hope that this guide will help you to better understand the game.

In Immortal Day, we encourage you to find the game path that fits you best. You can be ruthless or compassionate. You can be generous or tight fisted. You can be respected, feared, and revered. You can fly solo or become part of a house and become the most formidable group of players in the world. You can declare war on an enemy, a friend, or an innocent bystander; the choice is yours. You're here because you mean business and wanna have good time becoming a Force in the game.

Tutorial Sections

[General] [Game Template] [Explore Area] [Advancing] [Houses] [Account Upgrades] [Preferences]


In this section you have the ability to make many changes to your account.

1. Sex (Gender) You can change from male to female and back for a small fee.
2. Name You can change your Username here. Please note that your login name will stay as the name you originally used to create your account.
3. Display Picture Here is where you place the URL that links to your picture.
Pictures must be hosted externally, by an image hosting company such as ImageShack, Tinypic, Photobucket, etc…
Your picture must be 200x200. In some cases it will be resized for you.
For a step-by-step tutorial on how to get a Display Picture please see The Castle.
4. Species If you no longer wish to be of the Species you picked you can make a switch here for a fee.
The Species on Immortal Day are:
5. Player Tag Your Player Tag allows you to display a motto or creed or share a few words with your fellow Immortals on your profile.
There is a fee for changing your Player Tag and BBCode cannot be used.
6. Friend Feed You can modify your Friend Feed functionality here by setting its location and update limits.
7. Battle Picture Options Battle pictures are seen when attacking other players.
Choose if you want those images On or Off.
The default setting is OFF.
8. Inventory Order This option allows players to change the order in which item categories are listed in your inventory. 
To change the order of the categories, simply click on the number and drag them into the order you like.
To use this change Inventory feature you need Javascript enabled on your browser.
Once you are finished with your ordering click Save Preferences.
9. Item Icons Immortal Day has some fantastic item icons but we understand different players may appreciate them in some places and not others.
Here you can Enable, Disable, Change the sizes and locations of the icons in various game locations.
10. Password This is where you can change your account Password. It is prudent to do this regularly to ensure the security of your account.
Do not give out your password to anyone.
To change it you will need to enter your current password, your new password and then confirm it.
11. Item Shortcuts Assign or change your Drink, Heal Me and Escape hotlinks.
You can only assign items you currently have in your Inventory.
If you run out and get more you will have to reassign the item to your shortcut.
12. Forum Info Modify your Forum Avatar and Signature here.
Here is where you place the URL that links to your picture.
Your Forum Avatar must be Externally hosted like your Display picture by an image hosting company such as ImageShack, Tinypic, Photobucket, etc…
Your picture must be 100x100. In some cases it will be resized for you.
In your Forum Signature you may use Images and Bbcode.
Please be sure to keep your Forum Signature to a reasonable size.
In cases of large Forum Signatures you may be asked to reduce its size by a moderator.
13. Country Flag You may represent your Home Country with a flag on your profile page.
We apologize if your Home Country is not represented within the Flag options, but the flags came as a set and we cannot add individual flags.
14. Menu Shortcuts If you have set up shortcuts to link to pages within the game you can remove them here.
15. Battle Picture Modify your Battle Picture here. Battle pics can be seen on the fight pages.
Here is where you place the URL that links to your picture.
Your Battle Picture must be Externally hosted like your Display picture by an image hosting company such as ImageShack, Tinypic, Photobucket, etc…
Your picture must be 150x150. In some cases it will be resized for you.
16. Security If you need to change the capcha security options for training and mischief this is the place.
17. Email If you have a new email address, you can change it here.

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